Going Into 2019 For The Blog Of Hell’s Kitchen

Hey, guys, I know I typically talk into a void when speaking in my articles, but I want to talk directly to you today because what I have to talk about directly concerns you as a viewer of the Blog Of Hell’s Kitchen. I know today would normally be the day I put out an article on my personal theories for what’s going to happen in Aquaman, but I’m not going to do that today, or, in fact, ever again. Over the last year, I’ve had a lot of very interesting things happen in my life, things that I would like to talk more about, like changing jobs, quitting college, and just general things having to do with life. However, in order to do that, and to pursue other projects, I think I need to change up the formula for the Blog Of Hell’s Kitchen. I plan to address these changes in a quick, easy-to-read format, starting right now.

  1. Doing away with deadlines

What even is the point of me having deadlines, only posting main articles on Friday between 6 and 7 pm PST, and Featured News articles on Mondays at the same time? There is none. It can end up causing a writer to just push out shitty articles, valuing quantity over quality, and I think that’s a trap I’ve fallen into with this site. I’ve come to really dislike the content I’ve put out in the last year or so because I don’t have the time to put the effort I want to into it because I’ve set myself up with these bullshit deadlines. So, I’m doing away with them to so I can put the proper amount of care into them before I release them to the world, and this is a change that will be starting immediately, so don’t expect my Aquaman review to come out on Friday.

      2. No more Featured News and Theories articles

What is the point of Featured News and Theories? Again, there’s no point, because all it does it take up more time from my reviews and editorials. I do plan to do editorials based around recent CBM news like I used to, but the format of Featured News will be done away with. I will also never do Theories again because it’s mostly just random guesswork with no point.

     3. Splitting up Reviews

I plan to split up my new review articles into 2 parts, “First Impressions” and “Final Verdict”. “First Impressions” will be on what I think of a movie after my first watch, and can be either about hot new movies that have just come out, or older movies that I’ve never seen before. “Final Verdict” will be on what I think of a movie after multiple watches, whether I’ve seen it in theatres or at home more than twice. I think “Final Verdict” will help to parse out what I really think about movies after multiple watches, but I also want to let people see what I thought initially, which is why I’ll also be doing “First Impressions”. I plan to start this with Aquaman, with my First Impressions coming out hopefully before the end of January, but I won’t push it, and my Final Verdict on it once it comes out on Redbox or Amazon.

4. Expanding to more than just Comic Book Movies

I will be forever thankful to the CBM community to giving me my start in writing, and I’ll never forget about that, but I also think it’s time to branch out to more than just comic book movies. I love all types of movies, and I want to talk about all the movies I see, from shitty comedies to Oscar darlings.

Alright, I think that’s all. Don’t expect the Aquaman First Impressions before the New Year, but I hope to talk to you again soon. Thank you for everything you guys have done for this site, and remember, have a nerdy day.

State of The Marvel Cinematic Universe 2019

Hello, and welcome to The State Of The Comic Book Movie Union Series: 2019 Edition: Part 5 of 6, which is on the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. There are three Sony Marvel universe projects that are coming out in 2019 that we’ll talk about today; Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, and Spider-Man: Far From Home. Anyways, without further ado, let’s get to it.

First up, we have Captain Marvel. We’ve come a long way since the first edition of the slate of Phase Three movies we were getting from the MCU. It’s been about 4 years since that first edition came out, and boy has those been wild for Captain Marvel. Ever since the movie was announced, rumors have swirled about the project, from Kathryn Bigelow directing, to someone as famous as Charlize Theron or Jennifer Lawerence, or even the project being shuttered and going the way of the Inhumans movie. Luckily, though, the film is well on it’s way to being the next big hit for Marvel. The film showcases the main cast of Brie Larson, Jude Law, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, and Glenn Close, the phenomenal director duo of Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, and a release date of March 8th, 2019.

Second, we have Avengers: Endgame. Never before has one movie meant so much to one franchise. The second part to Avengers: Infinity War and the fourth Avengers movie as a whole, Avengers: Endgame is the conclusion to a 22-movie-long story arc that was begun all the way back in 2008 with Iron Man. The movie is set to return the main cast of Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Benedict Cumberbatch, Chadwick Boseman, Tom Holland, Paul Bettany, Sebastion Stan, Elizabeth Olsen, Jeremy Renner, Brie Larson, Paul Rudd, and Josh Brolin, as well as directors Joe and Anthony Russo, and is expected to release on April 26th, 2019.

Third and finally, we have Spider-Man: Far From Home. Not since Iron Man and Iron Man 2 back during Phase One has a character had two movies based primarily around them in the same Phase, or at least, not until Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home. So far, Tom Holland’s portrayal of the Web-Slinging Wunderkind has garnered plenty of praise from fans, so it makes sense that Marvel and Sony would want to put out a sequel as soon as possible. The movie is set to return the main cast of Tom Holland, Marisa Tomei, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, and will add Jake Gyllenhaal the villain, Mysterio. The film will also bring back Jon Watts as the director and is planned to release on July 5th, 2019.

Alright, thank you so much for reading. Please, remember to tune in on Friday for a very special announcement for the Blog of Hell’s Kitchen. Thank you again for reading, and remember, have a nerdy day.

State Of Sony Marvel Films 2019

Hello, and welcome to The State Of The Comic Book Movie Union Series: 2019 Edition: Part 4 of 6, which is on the Sony Marvel films. There are only two Sony Marvel universe projects that are in development at the moment that we’ll talk about today; Morbius and the sequel to Venom. Anyways, without further ado, let’s get to it.

First, I want to talk about Morbius. The character of Michael Morbius has always been an interesting one, one that is typically depicted as a doctor with a rare blood disorder that attempts to cure himself, but then accidentally turns himself into a form of vampire. Therefore, to depict such an interesting character, you’ll need an interesting leading man, which is what Sony has done for this project. Sony has hired Jared Leto to play the Living Vampire himself, which is an interesting choice considering Leto’s past as playing The Joker in the DCEU’s Suicide Squad, and it’s interesting because of how deep into a role Leto goes. If you don’t recall from back in 2016, Leto, while in the set of Suicide Squad, was so deep into his role as The Joker, he sent anal beads, condoms, dead rats, pig carcasses, and bullets to his castmates, which admittedly freaked people out. As out-of-line as that was, it may be what Morbius needs to be successful. Morbius is expected to, but not confirmed to, debut on July 10th, 2020.

Second and finally, I’d like to talk a little bit about the Venom sequel. If you saw the movie, like I did, and stayed to the mid-point in the credits like I did, you should remember that the mid-credits scene showed Woody Harrelson as Cletus Kasady/ Carnage talking to Eddie Brick in a jailhouse interview to set up a sequel. Both Harrelson and Tom Hardy have said they’re signed on for at least one more movie, with Harrelson saying he’s on for the first sequel, and Hardy said that he’s on for both the first and a potential second sequel. Nothing is known about the potential sequel except from the two stars. The Venom sequel is expected to, but not confirmed to, debut on October 2nd, 2020.

Alright, thank you so much for reading. Please, remember to tune in on Friday for State of The Comic Book Universe article on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thank you again for reading, and remember, have a nerdy day.