Luke Cage Theories

Hello, and welcome to this article on my Luke Cage theories. Today, I only have three small theories, so let’s get to it.

My first theory is on Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes, and his connections. The character, played by Mahershala Ali, is said to be heavily involved with the heroin trade, and famously, so is Daredevil villain, Madame Gao. The rumor here is that Madame Gao shortly shows up in Luke Cage, and IS KILLED by Stokes. While this is unlikely, it would defintely be interesting to see her die before she shows up in Iron Fist, as she traditionally is one of his villains as the Steel Serpent.

Next up is Misty Knight’s arm. In the comics, she has her arm blown off in a bombing while she was a NYPD detective. She is confirmed to be a detective at the start of the series, which raises the chances, ever if only a small amount. Tony Stark gives her the bionic arm in the comics, but maybe Melvin Potter or the people that gave Luke Cage his powers could create it for the show’s means.

Theo Rossi will be playing “Shades” Alvarez in Luke Cage. Sounds kind of irrelevant, but there’s more. Shades, in the comics, is the father of Victor Alvarez. Victor originally showed up in the comics as the new Power-Man during the Shadowland series, where such shenanigans such as Daredevil being possessed, wore a terrible black and silver outfit, and lead The Hand against the rest of Hell’s Kitchen. Now, it’s highly unlikely that the kid would show up in the show at least this season, considering Rossi will probably be playing Allvarez in his mid-30s, and Vic is in his late teens when he finally becomes a hero. But it is possible if Shades dies, Victor could gain powers and come looking for revenge against  Luke or Cottonmouth. He could even be a main villain with that plot, and that would be awesome if the writers took my idea.

I feel that the release date of Iron Fist will be coming along with the release of Luke Cage, just like Netflix did with Luke Cage when they tagged a trailer and a release date for the show with Daredevil Season Two’s release. I feel like the release date of Iron Fist will be March 17th, 2017, taking the springtime release date of Daredevil. That theory is also supported by the fact that the Marvel Netflix shows have been release about a year after that season started filming, and considering Iron Fist started filming back in March 2016, those dates line up to the March 2017 date. I also feel like that’s going be the case with The Defenders, and that they’ll probably start filming in mid October 2016, and will debut in mid-October 2017, as to stay 6 weeks away from Thor: Ragnarok.

Well, this has been fun. Join me next week for my Character Of The Month article for October, where I’m going to talk about Cottonmouth’s comic book history. I’m going to do the Marvel direct-to-Netflix show reviews after two weeks, as opposed to the standard one for movies, because it’s incredibly difficult to figure out all of the intricacies of 13 episodes, especially when they’re so close together, because I like to watch 9 episodes of something at a time, in the first go-around. So, I’m going to finish watching it a second time, (I’m already finished with Episode 3) and I’ll have the review done, in full detail, next Friday.

I had a couple more theories, but they really didn’t fit here. They involved Cottonmouth taking heavy visual inspiration from Kanye, and Black Mariah being the true main villain, but they just didn’t feel right here. Anyways, Luke Cage is gonna be amazing, see you next week, and remember, have a nerdy day.

Luke Cage Expectations

Hello, and welcome to this newest article series, my Expectations of a show or movie. I’m going to post it the Wednesday before the show or film debuts, just to let it sink in for a day. Anyways, let’s get to what I expect from Luke Cage.

What I expect out of Luke Cage is pure, unadulterated excellence, and the story of Luke,  The Music, and The Love Of Harlem. I want to really be able to feel Luke’s fight against Cottonmouth, Alvarez, and Mariah, and I want to feel his true love for the city, and that’s a tall order. The music has to sound just right, all of the tracks, whether they perpetrate Cage, Cottonmouth, or anyone else, need to sound like a “hip-hop melody”, a wonderful stew of all the great artists from Biggie Smalls, all the way to Kanye West. Music has been a hugely advertised device for this series, and I truly hope it lives up to my expectations.

Also heavily advertised, I want to see the true power struggle between Cage and Cottomouth. Cottonmouth put his ass in jail, and Cottonmouth’s the reason Luke’s the way he is; the invulnerability, the second chance at life, and the determination to fight everything that gets in his way. Cottonmouth created all of this, he created Luke Cage. And he’s definitely going to pay for it. I don’t hope he dies, but I hope he gets the absolute shit kicked out of him.

And finally, I expect an Iron Fist release date and trailer. Now, I’m projecting that date with be March 17th, 2017. I explain why a lot more in my next article on my Luke Cage theories, but in short, I think it’s going to take Daredevil‘s springtime Netflix slot.

Thanks for reading my article. See you Friday for my Luke Cage theories, I hope you enjoyed this article, see you later, and remember, have a nerdy day.

Featured News: September 2016

Hello, and welcome to my brand-new series ‘Featured News’ where I go back through one of the best news stories of the month, handpicked by me and a group of friends, and I break that news down a little, and use a bit of deductive reasoning to pull a bit more out of the other writers on the Internet. Not much really happened this past month, so I’m gonna do an article on a Wolverine 3 trailer. Anyways, let’s get to it.

Now, despite Wolverine 3 coming in less than six months, fans of the mangy mutant were becoming increasingly unsettled by the fact that not only had the film not had a trailer and very little photos from the set, but it still technically doesn’t even have a title, let alone a trailer or any footage at all. ‘Wolverine: Weapon X’ is heavily rumored to be the true title, but I feel the actual title would be something more along the lines of ‘The Wolverine: Old Man Logan’ or simply ‘Old Man Logan’, to harken back to the storyline the movie is supposedly based off of. The next FOX Studios film due out is Tim Burton’s Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, which debuts on September 30th. Given director James Mangold’s hints at the close proximity of our first trailer, and the fact that recent X-Men films have had their first footage come out about six months (Wolverine releases on March 3rd, and Peregrine will release on the aforementioned date of September 30th, which is 5 months and 3 days apart.), shows that it’s very likely that FOX will release footage within the next two weeks. And it’s even more likely that footage will come on the worldwide release of September 29th Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

That is my time for today, I had fun doing this. Join me on Friday when I do an article

Quick Recap: Daredevil Season One and Two and Jessica Jones Season One

In case you never watched Daredevil AND Jessica Jones for some unknown reason, and you only want to watch Luke Cage, well this is the article for you! You should watch all three seasons though, but you can live your sad lives without it. Anyways, I’ll just do a quick recap in chronological order of release, maybe a hundred or so words, and I’ll be on my way.

Daredevil: Season One

Main Villains: Wilson Fisk, Leland Owlsley, James Wesley

Okay, so for all but the last episode of Season One, Matt Murdock wears the “Man Without Fear” outfit, which is personally my favorite, with all black long-sleeve suit, sweatpants and sneakers. He finally gets his true “Daredevil” suit in the finale while he fights Wilson Fisk, our villain of the season. To sum the plot of Season One up, the whole thing revolves around Foggy, Matt, Karen, and Ben Urich uncovering this construction firm called Union Allied, which is secretly run by Wilson Fisk to conduct illegal business transactions as a criminal kingpin. Karen and Ben actually do a lot more digging into Union Allied than Foggy or Matt, or even Matt as Daredevil, and they’re the ones that are able to figure out that Fisk was actually trying to shift all of the power and production of the drug trade in Hell’s Kitchen to him and Madame Gao, who makes the Steel Serpent heroin, and eventually, after Gao is taken out, all the power would go to Fisk. This plan also involves Fisk smashing one of the head Russians’ head in with a car door, and then blaming it on Daredevil to pit the Russians directly against the masked vigilante. It all ends up culminating in Wilson Fisk killing Ben with his bare hands after him and Karen visit Fisk’s mother in a nursing, which pretty obviously sets Fisk off. Daredevil ultimately fights Fisk in hand-to-hand combat in his new costume, gains the upper hand, and Fisk is taken into custody, never to be seen again. SYKE, not really.

Jessica Jones: Season One

Main Villains: Kilgrave (Real name: Kevin Thompson)

Essentially, Jessica Jones investigates the entire series. There’s not much to know, really. The whole series is spent tracking and torturing Kilgrave, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it. The first three episodes are just Jessica investigating Hope Shlottman, a vanished collegiate long jumper. Jessica ends up figuring out that Kilgrave captured her and used her against her will, and Jessica rescues her. But, Kilgrave has already taken his mental toll on Hope, and because of that, she murders both of her parents, and is sent to prison. Later, we find out Kilgrave impregnated Hope, and while Hope was in prison, she hires someone to stab her to force an abortion. Throughout the season, Trish Walker, Luke Cage and Will Simpson help Jessica with various forms of finding and hitting Kilgrave in the face. Eventually, Kilgrave buys Jessica’s childhood home, and holds her there with the threat of making the home’s staff that he hired kill themselves. The good guys end up capturing him. But of course, he escapes, holds many citizens hostages, and Jessica is forced to snap his neck, but not before final admitting she loves him. Aw, too sad. No really, it was. Me and my dad still talk about her killing Kilgrave, ten months later.

Daredevil: Season Two

Chaotic Evil: The Hand: Nobu (dead), The Blacksmith/ Ray Schoonover (dead)

Chaotic Neutral: Punisher (on the lam, will hopefully pop up shortly in Luke Cage), Wilson Fisk (still in prison)

Chaotic Good: The Chaste: Stick (alive), Elektra (dead, last seen in Hand resurrection chamber)

The reason I have three categories and an astounding six villains is that Daredevil Season is so beautifully woven and intertwined, that fact is that all of the villainous characters aren’t really villains, only have of them. Most of the first few episodes are heavily focused on Nelson & Murdock trying to keep Grotto, a survivor of the Punisher’s shooting on a Kitchen Irish (Irish Mob) bar. That is, until episode 5, which is when Elektra becomes a major character. Most of the rest of the season is involving Elektra, Stick, and the Hand, with some Punisher in between it all. It really focuses heavily on the fact that Elektra is incredibly dangerous. The Punisher saga takes a lot of turns, as well. He ends up arrested and hospitalized, tried for insanity in court, put in jail, coerced by Kingpin in prison to kill someone, locked in an area with a dozen-plus rabid prisoners (he kills them all of course), escapes from prison, fakes death, finds out his former commanding officer is the drug dealer that killed his family, and shoots ninjas from a roof trying to help Daredevil and Elektra. Alas, Elektra still dies, and is carted off by the Yakuza. Also, Stick chops Nobu’s head off.

Well, that was fun. Finishing an 800-ish word article in about three to four hours, while researching and watching Stranger Things. No, I’m kidding, I always have fun writing. See you Monday for my first Featured News. And remember, have a nerdy day.

Do We Need Deathstroke In A ‘Deadpool’ World?: An Editorial

I want to make this as curt as humanly possible, so let’s get to it. This is a sort of answer to last week’s article, and as that last article states, Joe Manganiello was cast as Deathstroke in the upcoming Batman solo film, which I pray and hope to God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and anything else that’ll help me get that release date. But the question I propose is, ‘Do we really need Deathstroke?’, or really, ‘Do we want him?’. Listen, I love Deathstroke, honestly, he’s one of my favorite comic book villains, and I’m extremely excited for him to appear in the Batman movie, but my point is still the same. I mean, his blatant copy, Deadpool, has gone from the lesser character, all the way to an über-popular pop culture symbol with a fanbase so impressively massive that they were able to force FOX’s hand into making a movie about him. Of course this was after the star leaked the test footage, but seriously? If Joe Manganiello released two solid minutes of him and his beard staring menacingly into the distance and cutting some goons up, no one would give two shits, especially now. They’d just pass it off as a ‘Deadpool ripoff’, which is hilarious, because Deadpool is the ripoff. The world just doesn’t make enough sense to live in sometimes. And like I said about Deathstroke, I enjoy Deadpool as well, he’s funny, he’s occasionally insightful, and he’s excellent ticket bait. Ticket bait meaning he is and was a fantastic box office draw. But overall, I think both could be useful. Slade is a stalwart in the assassin department, and Wade is a very likable, usable character.

Well, like I said, I did want to keep it short for today, as I’m going to have a big weekend with getting NBA 2K17 later today, and on Monday, I’m launching my weekly news series ‘Featured News’, to delve in a little to the smaller stories that flash across our screens. Though going to go a little bit fyrther with this subject when I have my ‘State of The DCEU’ Article coming on January 20th, 2017. Yes, I have plans that far in advance. I have posts projected through mid-2019, seriously. Anyways, I’m very excited for all of this. This whole thing I have planned for this blog is just crazy, I’ve used my Google Calendar a lot in the last month for this. Oh, and remember, have a nerdy day.

Top 5: Actors That I Would Much Rather Have As Deathstroke

Well, Ben Affleck posted a video last week of Deathstroke in the Justice League movie, confirming his existence in the DCEU, his appearance in the aforementioned Justice League, and has spawned a rumor of his main villainy in the Batman solo film. Since then, Joe Manganiello has been cast as the character. I know he’s a fantastic actor, but I just don’t feel safe with a pick like him, even though we have had much stranger, and a handful worked out great. Anyone remember when everyone shit all over Heath Ledger as The Joker, and then he becomes the first actor in a comic book movie to win an Academy Award. Now, my reason for this article is to put out a legit list of people that make actual sense as Slade Wilson. So, without further ado…

Honorable Mentions

I have Christian Bale and Michael Shannon as honorables because they’ve already been in DC films, Bale as Batman in The Dark Knight Triology, and Michael Shannon as Zod in the first two DCEU films. Bale, however, would be a fun reversal on the rumors that Ben Affleck was actually Slade Wilson serving as Batman (and this was long before Batman v Superman actually came out, debunking this craziness), and that Christian Bale was still Batman, but still in hiding or something.

5. Idris Elba


This is more of a fun one, but fans have been clamoring for Idris Elba as a DC character, mainly as Jon Stewart Green Lantern, and I would love to see him, with all of his stoic glory, in the role of the most famous Terminator in DC Comics. He’d certainly be able to capture the mid-40s, grizzled assassin to a “T”. He also has the small edge of the full-on goatee that Deathstroke dons in the comics

4. Timothy Olyphant

Timothy Olyphant is incredibly popular in the comic book and nerd culture, mainly because of his roles in Hitman in the titular role of Agent 47, and a minor, yet prominent, supporting role on The Office as Danny. But he’s also a fan-favorite for the role of Floyd Lawton, A.K.A. Deadshot. Since that role is taken by the one, the only, Fresh Prince, Deathstroke is a close second in terms of where fans want Olyphant in a comic role. He’d defenitrly bring a certain snark to a role that’s generally very dry in the comics.

3. Eric Bana

Eric Bana is famously, or I should say infamously, played Bruce Banner in Ang Lee’s Hulk, but since has resurected his career, most notably his turn as the main villain Nero in the first J.J. Abrams Star Trek, and as one of the members of Operation Red Wing in Lone Survivor. He also starred in Black Hawk Down in a featured role. He clearly has the experience in military roles, and would bring a great aspect of realism to the role in a world of flying aliens.

2. Liev Schrieber

Liev was actually pretty good in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he was probably the best part of that movie. Even Wolverine seemed kind of contrived. Anyways, Liev’s a very serious actor who would be able to even convey the ferocity and precision that is Slade Wilson. Also, his role as Ray Donovan is eerily similar to Deathstroke, as in that he’s a fixer for rich, white people.

1. Julian Lewis- Jones

Well, you may not know him well, aside for a fifth billed role in Invictus as Etienne Feyder. I don’t know, I didn’t watch it. Been meaning to, though. Anyways, aside from looking the most like Slade Wilson, sans the goatee. But his true edge is, he’s already cast in Justice League. He’s in the actual, physical movie that I am speculating right now, and that it absolutely the most important thing to a role. I mean, duh, of course it. That’s kind of the deal, and it’s kind of self explanatory.

Anyways, thanks for reading. I liked making this little impromptu article, it was fun. Well, see you next week for my fourth edition of my continuation of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man, Doctor Strange. And remember, have a nerdy day.

Character Of The Month: September 2016: Speedy

Mia Dearden is famously Oliver Queen’s second sidekick, after Roy HArper left to become Red Arrow/ Arsenal, and possibly most famously, one of the only comic book character to be HIV positive. Her origin story states that she was a teenage runaway, and she ended up falling for a much older man, who, guess what, is a douchebag. He forces her into a child prostitution ring, which is just a whole new level of messed up from just, everything except maybe genocide and some serious treason. Like, forcing the President to shit in a bucket, and then drowning the dog in while the kids and Michelle have their eyes held open with those things TV villains use for brainwashing. But that might just be animal cruelty. Anyways, she ends up getting HIV in the process, and whilst with a (and I quote, from Wikipedia) “depraved local politician”, she gets saved by Green Arrow, who had just raised back from the dead, as billionaires do. Green Arrow then stupidly sent Mia to meet Oliver Queen, the Emerald Archer’s secret identity, and she immediately saw thought his goatee’d face, because seriously? No one has figured that out, with the whole blonde facial squrriel thing going on? She eventually learns how to shoot a bow and arrow, and martial arts. She becomes so good she ends up training Connor Hawke, Queen’s son.

So far she’s only showed up in live action, in CW’s Arrow, as played by Willa Holland. She’s pretty good in my opinion, but I hope once the show ends that Green Arrow and company shows up in the movie universe, and he’s not just a fake-ass Batman, five o’clock shadow looking ass, leather gimp suit clad, grade A shit-lister. But aside from that, I do like Holland as Speedy. They have made a lot of progress in the role, I hope all goes well until the end of the show.

Well, that’s what I’ve got for today. I really enjoyed bringing this series back, but on a monthly basis as a kind of filler article, although it does have some substance. Anyways, thanks for reading, and have a nerdy day.