Suicide Squad Review

(WARNING: Major spoilers for Suicide Squad, possible spoilers for the proposed sequel, the proposed Harley Quinn/ Birds Of Prey film, and The Batman. And fair warning, this will be shorter than usual considering I really have not qualms with this film)

Suicide Squad is upon us all. Except maybe China, but it’ll probably be there in the next 20 minutes via bootleg. Anyways, it was truly incredible, and I was fortunate enough to see it at 7:30 on Thursday the Fourth. I really did love the soundtrack for this film. I’m not personally a fan of Twenty One Pilots, but I really appreciated “Heathens” as a song and it’s placement in the beginning of the credits and right before the mid-credits scene, and I kind of want to listen to more of them because of the song. “Sucker For Pain” was also a great fit for the film, considering it’s mix of rap and alternative rock, which is the perfect type of music for this film. I also really appreciated the throwback songs “House Of The Rising Sun” by The Animals and “Fortunate Son” by Creedence Clearwater Revival, because they are such fantastic songs, and some of my favorite songs.

I really loved Jared Leto’s  Joker. He had no dull moments in the film. He just got under my skin in both the best and worst ways possible. The entire time he was onscreen, it was like a green ‘STOP’ sign was flashing in my head. I wanted it to stop, but not really. The real villains of the film, Enchantress and her brother Incubus, were suprisingly good, and I honestly had no idea who the villain was until I was actually watching the film. And it really wasn’t June Moone. Everyone painted her like June was a villain just like Floyd, Harley, and Diablo. And she’s not, she actually really scared and afraid of Enchantress, terrified even, and she’s dating Rick Flagg, and is the reason Waller keeps Flagg on the team. But ultimately, the combination of a brutish, incredibly destructive villain and a cold, calculating villain was very well put to screen, and including a wildcard villain such as The Joker, the evil(er) side was stacked from head-to-toe with greatness.

Obviously, the Squad and associated acts really made the show, especially Will Smith, in what is possibly his best role since Ali. Margot Robbie essentially plays her character from Wolf of Wall Street, but it’s actually sort of satisfying. Rick Flagg for the first part of Midway City sequences kind of seemed like a, for an absolute lack of a better term, a damsel-in-distress. Almost all they did for the first half of the squad’s trip to Fake-Ass Chicago (I mean come on, it’s definitely Chicago.) was save Graceland Robocop’s red, white, and blue tidy whitey covered ass. Waller was incredibly cold and insensitive, and it’s perfect that way. I really wish I got to see more of Boomerang, because he was by far my favorite character. Maybe a Boomerang solo film a bit down the line isn’t such a bad idea. I really did enjoy El Diablo’s role in the film, and I could really believe his conviction and his choice to do good. When he saw through Enchantress’ mirage and pep-talked the remaining Squad member was one of the most badass parts of the film. Which was followed by the most amazing part of the film, El Diablo’s death, when he turned into this kickass looking hellbeast and got Incubus into the corner where they were to set the bomb, and they both went out in an absolute blaze of glory. Diablo’s always been my personal favorite Squad member, and this just solidified it. Killer Croc was a pleaser to see, and he was probably one of the funnier characters in the film. Katana was very wooden, but I feel she’s supposed to be, and that’s a great thing. GQ Edwards (Scott Eastwood) died because he was the one that set off the bomb under Incubus and El Diablo, and Captain Griggs (Ike Barinholtz) was left alive, but he was tortured by The Joker inside of a Louisiana casino. I really wished that Edwards was someone in disguise. I honestly wish the mid-credits scene would have been Scott Eastwood talking to Bruce Wayne or someone like that and had his true identity revealed, whoever that may be. My only problem is that Johnny Frost and Monster T really don’t get a lot of screen time, or any appreciation. At all.

I know this was somewhat brief, but I really had no problems with the film, except the thing with Johnny Frost and Monster T. I will definitely be seeing this film again before this article posts, probably on Tuesday the Ninth. Anyways, I give Suicide Squad 4.75 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it. I don’t care if this spoils it for you, I warned you, and your dumb ass should have heeded. And for those of you who listened, have a nerdy day. And shut the hell up if you didn’t listen.

Suicide Squad Theories

There have been quite a few theories who the yet-to-be-named members of the Suicide Squad cast as well as the plot, mainly Scott Eastwood (Diablo, Fury, and Mercury Plains) and Ike Barinholtz (Bad Neighbours 2), and the deaths of various characters. So, today, in my exponentially-rising excitement for the next DCEU romp (Which, the fact that it and Batman v. Superman and Man of Steel are all in the same universe, just, blows my mind, because they look so incredibly different.). I’m just going to go through all the characters the actors could be one at a time, with my odds on the chance of that happening. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

Scott Eastwood

While Scott Eastwood is presumably the most important part of the main plot of the film out of these three actors (as said by producer Richard Suckle), and probably the bigger star out of the three, and he’s definitely bound to bring a lot to the film. He’s also probably my favorite new actor. Since Richard Suckle said the most popular guesses aren’t correct, which is most likely Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson or an original character. So here’s my list of characters he could be, not in any real order.

  1. Red Robin
  2. Red Hood
  3. Captain Atom
  4. Martian Manhunter
  5. Green Arrow
  6. King Faraday
  7. David Cain
  8. Young Bruce Wayne
  9. Sandman (Wesley Dodds)
  10. The Question
  11. Blue Beetle
  12. The Shade
  13. Blockbuster
  14. Sgt. Rock
  15. Nemesis (Tom Tresser)
  16. Chronos
  17. Multiplex
  18. Red Arrow
  19. Booster Gold
  20. Captain Cold
  21. Manhunter
  22. Mirror Master
  23. Wildcat
  24. Icicle
  25. Savant
  26. Hal Jordan
  27. Guy Gardner
  28. Hawkman (Carter Hall)
  29. Jay Garrick
  30. Animal Man

I feel like the more likely ones are the heroes, whether they’re undercover as villains from the government, Batman, whatever. Out of the heroes, I see Green Arrow or Red Arrow being the most likely, but they are on TV right now, so I don’t know. I would really love to see an older Red Robin, as he’s 18 or 19 in the New 52. Sgt. Rock would also be interesting, as he is a character based in World War II, but hey, Frank Castle’s origins are in Vietnam, and they changed that for Daredevil. I really am doubting Jay Garrick and Hawkman, because their story ended so recently on the shows, but the shows did kill off some characters, such as Deadshot, as to not conflict with the films, so it is possible. I really think the story would most be benefitef by having Eastwood be Ted Grant, A.K.A. Wildcat. I feel he’d simply bring the element of hand to hand and powerless heroes better than anyone else on this list.

Ike Barinholtz

The funny story behind this is that we already found out who Ike is, but I already started writing this part of the article, so… Anyways, his name is  Captain Griggs of the Uinted States Air Force, who is a character from the comics with heavy ties to Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, and Etta Candy in the comics. One of his most famous appearances is in a story where he was repeatedly killed in a time loop by the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca, before it was broken by Wonder Woman. His first name in the comics is Keith, but it’s possible he could have another name, considering the character’s flexibility because he’s not exactly the most beloved character. Like when no one blew up when Peter Dinklage was cast in Days Of Future Past, because no one really cares about Bolivar Trask or his height.

In the movie, he is still an officer of the USAF, but he is a chief guard of the Squad. In the final trailer, it seems Griggs was undercover, wearing a pretty cool looking white suit, and being questioned by none other than Joker. It’s a possiblity that he was using the Griggs alias the entire time, and he was another, bigger character the entire time, but it’s highly unlikely, considering that what Scott Eastwood’s character is rumoured to be doing under the guise of GQ Edwards.

Plot Rumors

Okay, look at this picture real quick:


This photo is seemingly in a scene after a battle, where the villains are conversing about losing, it only shows Harley, Deadshot, El Diablo, Boomerang, Killer Croc (head partially blocked by Boomerang’s head), and Katana. Now, this could be at the end, after they all escape, but I honestly doubt that, because Katana is Rick Flagg’s enforcer in the film. I honestly think that Rick Flagg, Griggs, and Edwards are either removed by the government or killed, though I don’t think they’re going to kill off Joel Kinnaman, considering he’s the fifth billed actor. That leaves Enchantress, who is taken out of the equation by The Adversary and put on his site,  and Slipknot, who most likely dies when he tries to escape the group, as shown in the trialers when he grapples away from the group. Honestly, I think this scene square in the middle of the film, after the first battle with The Adversary.

The other theory that I have is based around Amanda Waller. See, there’s a picture that I cannot seem to find from the final trailer, where Waller grabs a gun while she’s laying on the floor, shooting, and if you zoom in close enough, it looks like blood is coming out of her mouth. So, my theory is that Waller is mortally wounded towards the end of the film, and decides to go down fighting. Simple as that.

Well, once again, that’s it. Tune in next week for my Suicide Squad review. And remember, have a nerdy day.